Read Ways of Being Male Representing Masculinities in Children Literature (Children Literature and Culture)

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Get Ways of Being Male Representing Masculinities in Children Literature (Children Literature and Culture)

Get Ways of Being Male Representing Masculinities in Children Literature (Children Literature and Culture)

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Book Details :
Published on: 2013-10-18
Released on: 2013-10-18
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Get Ways of Being Male Representing Masculinities in Children Literature (Children Literature and Culture)

Given the substantial impact of feminism on children’s literature and culture during the last quarter century, it comes as no surprise that gender studies have focused predominantly on issues of female representation. The question of how the same patriarchal ideology structured representations of male bodies and behaviors was until very recently a marginal discussion. Now that masculinity has emerges as an overt theme in children’s literature and film, critical consideration of the subject is timely, if not long overdueWays of Being Male addresses this new concern in an unprecedented collection of essays examining how contemporary debates about masculinity are reflected in fiction and film for young adults. An outstanding team of scholars elucidates the ways in which different versions of male identity are constructed and presented to young audiences. The contributors, drawn from a variety of academic disciplines, employ international discourses in literary criticism, feminism, social sciences, film theory, psychoanalytic criticism, and queer theory in their wide-ranging exploration of male representation. With its illuminating array of perspectives, this pioneering survey brings a long neglected subject into sharp focus. Staff Profile - English Literature Language and ... Research Research Interests. Children's Literature Studies. Other Expertise. Victorian Literature; Childhood Studies; Modernism. Current Work 'Modernism the Left ... College of Liberal Arts & Sciences The University of Kansas The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Aims. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (called the College or CLAS) is KUs largest academic unit with more than 50 ... Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men's ... Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men's well-being: a theory of gender and health. Will H Courtenay Children Teens and Familie in the Movies UC... Children and Teens Videotapes in the Media Resources Center UC Berkeley Culture of Argentina - history people traditions women ... Atlantic Islands territories over which Argentina claims national sovereignty. Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world. The country borders ... Applied Psychology OPUS - NYU Steinhardt The concept of gender is one that is instilled in us at birth and attempts to define evaluate and classify males and females (Blinde & Taub 1992; Koivula 1995 ... What Causes Gender Inequality? -- Robert Max Jackson (seminar) What causes gender inequality? Analyzes the social causes of gender inequality (or sex inequality). Explores origins economics politics power sexuality ... Grero: The Masculine Gender and Cure for Heterosexuality Grero: The Masculine Gender and Cure for Heterosexuality (or: Did You Know You're Not Straight?) Once upon a time there was a world where the love between men wasn't ... Gender - Wikipedia Gender identity refers to a personal identification with a particular gender and gender role in society. The term woman has historically been used interchangeably ... Social inequality - Wikipedia Overview. Social inequality is found in almost every society. Social inequality is shaped by a range of structural factors such as geographical location or ...
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