Free Download Ayahuasca Hallucinogens Consciousness and the Spirit of Nature

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Book Details :
Published on: 1999-06-02
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Original language: English

Ever since the "consciousness revolution" in the 1960s, dedicated spiritual seekers and scientific researchers from all continents have explored the world of psychoactive and hallucinogenic plants. In Ayahuasca, objective scientific information and the narratives of ayahuasca users -- shamans and others -- are presented together. Readers will also learn the pharmacology of this Amazonian plant. NN-Dimethyltryptamine - Wikipedia NN-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or NN-DMT) is a powerful psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a ... Ayahuasca Wikipdia Lactivit pharmacologique de layahuasca est particulire du fait quelle dpend dune interaction synergique entre les alcalodes actifs des plantes qui ... Does DMT Play a Role in the Expansion of Consciousness and ... Research subjects tenaciously refused to accept biological explanations because such explanations reduced the enormity consistency and undeniability of their ... Ayahuasca - Wikipedia Ayahuasca is known by many names throughout Northern South America and Brazil. Ayahuasca is the hispanicized style spelling of a word in the Quechua languages which ... Ayahuasca Wikipedia Ayahuasca Yag [jahe] Yaj [jahe] Natem Cip Daime oder Hoasca sind Namen fr einen psychedelisch wirkenden Pflanzensud aus der Liane Banisteriopsis ... Hallucinogens - Crystalinks Hallucinogens . Hallucinogens are used to achieve heightened states of consciousness relief stress and increase mental awareness. Everyone's brain is different ... The Cosmic Serpent - DNA and The Origins of Knowledge The first time an Ashaninca man told me that he had learned the medicinal properties of plants by drinking a hallucinogenic brew I thought he was joking. Banisteriopsis caapi - Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre Ayahuasca; Ayahuasca: Taxonoma; Reino: Plantae: Divisin: Magnoliophyta: Clase: Magnoliopsida: Orden: Malpighiales: Familia: Malpighiaceae: Gnero: Banisteriopsis The Drug of Choice for the Age of Kale - The New Yorker The Drug of Choice for the Age of Kale How ayahuasca an ancient Amazonian hallucinogenic brew became the latest trend in Brooklyn and Silicon Valley. Safety for the Solitary Drinker I am highly interested in the usage of ayahuasca for spiritual and psychological healing. I have been interested in trying ayahuasca for a few years now.
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