Download PDF Equivocal Child Abuse

[Free.O4Zz] Equivocal Child Abuse

[Free.O4Zz] Equivocal Child Abuse

[Free.O4Zz] Equivocal Child Abuse

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Book Details :
Published on: 2016-04-19
Released on: 2016-04-19
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[Free.O4Zz] Equivocal Child Abuse

Child abuse cases with hard-to-prove allegations pose challenges for all those who seek to protect the welfare of children. Helping courts, evaluators, guardians, and lawyers understand and work with difficult cases, Equivocal Child Abuse brings together insights, experience, and guidance from multiple sources to minimize unnecessary harm done to children and families. Exploring all facets of case management, the book discusses:Legal concepts and theory, the history of guardians ad litem, and the complexity of the processes involved in legal decision makingHow different court systems operate, the path of a case, and the roles of participants in custody casesThe investigative process, the evaluation of report credibility, the use of videotape, perspectives of child custody evaluators, and sample investigationsThe testimony of expert witnesses, evaluators, guardians ad litem, and treating professionals; and the rules of evidenceHazards practitioners face in domestic relations and custody cases, including licensing issues, civil suit actions, and personal safety concernsIntervention options, such as supervised visitation, therapy for children, and mediationMental health issues in case participants, including borderline personality disorder, narcissistic and related personality patterns, affective disorders, and substance abuseA working model for the forensic evaluator, with instructions on conducting the evaluation and reportageFilled with case studies to elucidate concepts, the book also contains appendices with recommended guidelines for interviewing children in cases of alleged sexual abuse, a line-by-line expert critique of a child interview, and other tools, making this volume a critical resource for all those who contend with these complex cases. A review of the long-term effects of child sexual abuse The existing literature on the long-term sequelae of child sexual abuse is reviewed. The evidence suggests that sexual abuse is an important problem with serious long ... Royal Commission findings: Watchtower policies place JW ... The summer of 2015 saw The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse hold an eight-day hearing focusing on the Jehovahs Witness ... Evaluating Children With Fractures for Child Physical Abuse Fractures are common injuries caused by child abuse. Although the consequences of failing to diagnose an abusive injury in a child can be grave incorrectly ... Informed decisions in child welfare: The use of attachment ... The purpose of this article is to help child welfare workers better understand and utilize attachment theory in their decision making with abused and neglected WHO Child maltreatment prevention: a systematic review ... Child maltreatment prevention: a systematic review of reviews Christopher Mikton a & Alexander Butchart a. a. Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and ... Misperceptions about child sex offenders - Home Publications Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice 421-440 Misperceptions about child sex offenders. Misperceptions about child sex offenders Bullying - Wikipedia Bullying is the use of force threat or coercion to abuse intimidate or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. Read "Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect" at The tragedy of child abuse and neglect is in the forefront of public attention. Yet without a conceptual framework research in this area has been highly fragmented. The Radiology Assistant : Diagnostic Imaging in Child Abuse Child abuse is a relatively common problem in our society. In the U.S it is estimated that 4 million children a year are abused in some manner. At least two thousand ... Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse Social Work Policy Institute Social works history in the field of alcoholism and alcohol abuse ranges from providing food temporary shelter and the encouragement to practice temperance ...
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